Saturday, November 24, 2018

Innocence vs Naivete

In our previous post, we discussed the innocence of a child and how that is destroyed through abuse by the parent and the system that forms the environment of the child.

To provide more context for what we mean by 'innocent :

In this context, innocence means: free from guilt, lacking the knowledge of good and evil, not participating in abuse through intent to do harm or to sabotage the well-being of another.

To know and not to do is not to know.

On the other hand, if one does not know that means one will not do.

We infuse the knowledge of good and evil into our children, but this is a false dichotomy, because the 'good' that we teach our children is based on a limited context and is really nothing more than 'in group preference.'

Paraphrasing something Bernard Poolman once said, "There is only one way that is BEST. There are many derivatives of what is not best."

Imagine walking to a fork in the road. To the right is labeled "The Best" and to the left is labeled "Not Best."

You take the path marked "Not Best" and now that road has many branches some labeled "good" and some labeled "bad".

As Humanity we have taken the path marked "Not Best" many aeons ago and now we argue over whether we should go down the "good" or "bad" paths, but in reality, none of these paths will lead us to the best outcome. All political systems being proposed are within the context of the system that we have been indoctrinated into, and thus our imagination has been shaped by a context in which we accept that poverty is the natural state of the human being, when in fact our natural state is that of a creator, and thus it is not limited.

But, when we come into this world, we are taught to be less than who we really are. We are presented with many 'choices' of who to become, none of which take into account our true nature as creators.

And thus we make 'choices' within the context of lack, limitation, fear, and resistance. Not within the context of expansion, creation, and real love (which is to give as we want to receive).

Thus all of our actions within this limited context are by definition "not best".

This is the loss of innocence.

Innocence is the state in which the best option is always possible and in which it is in fact the only desirable option. It is the AUTOMATIC CHOICE.

But in order to make that choice, one must understand that the other choices which are theoretically possible will end in what is not best.

One must be able to 'travel all the other paths' within one's mind to see that they do not produce the best result. In reality, there are no signposts marked 'best' or 'not best'. We must process the information around us to be able to DETERMINE which is best. And if our ability to process information is effective and not limited in any way, we will be able to arrive at the correct conclusion. And anyone else in our shoes, if their information processing ability is error-free and bias-free should arrive at the exact same conclusion.

It is only when we begin to program in biases and limitations into a child's information processing ability that they begin to choose between the derivative, not best (good vs evil) choices, and argue for their idea of good or bad based on the pre-programmed biases.

So, does Innocence mean that one is not able to make decisions? That one lacks competence or the ability to function effectively in this world?

Not at all.

It only SEEMS to mean that when we define innocence as "lacking in understanding or competence" with regards to how the physical reality works. This is the definition, per se, of Naivete.

So, we must redefine innocence to remove the limiting aspects of the definition which we have placed in as a bias to prevent us from supporting our children and ourselves in the best way possible.

We must support ourselves and our children to remain in the Quantum State of Learning, which is Innocence. The state beyond polarity, where one can hold multiple paths within oneself and see in real time what is best. And when that determination is made, the Wave Function Collapses into the reality which is best. This is basic Quantum Mechanics.

If consider that your information processing ability is like a GPS that guides you within your choices, then we understand that the GPS must be programmed effectively, otherwise it will not take us to the correct destination. The Human GPS is one's education which exists primarily of words and their definitions. So when the words are not there, or the definitions are not correct, one can see how the GPS would take people to all kinds of paths that would not be best. And of course the person following the GPS will argue that their GPS is correct because they cannot see the programming, and therefore argue that their destination is correct, because one does not know how to do anything about it.

But, what if you COULD change the programming in the GPS so that it produced the BEST path EVERY TIME?

Innocence + Competence + Self-Direction = Integrity

How do we return to this state?

How do we support our children to remain in this state?

We will require the BEST TOOLS on the planet.

Ask and ye shall receive.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Children are Innocent - so Why are Adults so F***ed Up?

When a child is born and through the early stages of childhood, they remain in a state of innocence insofar as they are in a state of openness and natural ability to learn and absorb from their environment. But, from the time they are born and placed into an environment they begin, in essence, downloading the patterns of those around them and the structure of the environment instinctually. If you are a high-strung, stressed out parent, this will imprint onto your child. They will become like you.

If you are mean to your child, this will shape the way they see the world, the way they see themselves, and the way they see you.

If you are patient, kind, supportive, and allow them to learn from mistakes in an environment of unconditional love, this will shape their basic nature and character.

If you give them what they need in terms of vocabulary and exposure to ideas and opportunities to challenge themselves and be creative, they will develop into an amazing human being.

But how does one do this in a world that demands the parent fight for their own survival and that of their children?

So far, parents succumb to the pressures of the system and instead of supporting their child to develop into their full potential as a benevolent creator, they mold them into a nasty consumer who's only real purpose is to keep the system as it is.

As a parent, if you truly care, you must become specific. You must enhance your ability to process information and develop a self-awareness that is so keen, that no thought, feeling, or emotion goes unnoticed with you or with another person and thus you are able to direct yourself and support others to direct themselves within the context of what is best for everyone.

If everyone did that, the environment that children grow up in would be supportive of their natural development into a fundamentally good person.

But of course, people will have all kinds of excuses, and yet none of those excuses are valid because they only lead to what is less than best.

Consider when a child plays with a set of blocks. You build the blocks up and the child knocks them down. Do you get angry? Do you attempt to control the child? Do you tell them, "Fine! You build them yourself then!"

The basic, inherent spitefulness of parents towards their children is evident to one who has an effective ability to process information. Parents do not realize it, perhaps, but it is YOU, who destroy the innocence of your child. You have no one else to blame. You are the one putting your child in front of a TV program that is DESIGNED to advertise to them by programming them at a symbolic level to respond to certain stimuli. It is YOU who allow yourself to be manipulated by your own feelings and lie to your child about the existence of Santa Claus and all kinds of other things which you know not to be true or at the very least have NO REAL EVIDENCE for. You allow your own self-deception to determine what your child learns.


The children are NOT the future. YOU ARE.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Will AI Strip Us of Freedom in the Name of Survival?

I got the new iPhone X a few months ago, and I've noticed a very interesting thing: when I am with a client, my phone will buzz sometimes an hour or 45 minutes in advance an my next appointment, and let me know about driving time based on current traffic conditions. Even if I check it, sometimes it will continue buzzing every few minutes with updates. I never asked it to do this and it didn't do it when I first got the phone. The really 'spooky' part is that for many of my appointments, I don't have the address programmed in, either to the contact of the person I'm meeting or in the location section of the appointment on my calendar app. This would imply that my phone is learning from past experience that when that person's name is on my calendar at the same time each week that I am likely going to the same location. In other words, it has learned where that particular client lives or works based on my having visited them in the past. My previous phone's iOS would give me similar predictions but it wouldn't let me know well in advance or constantly remind me and give updates.

This got me thinking about where the AI of these phones and devices is headed. Having the phone update me well in advance felt almost like the phone was trying to tell me what to do. Like a parent coming down stairs every five minutes while the kids are watching TV to remind them that then need to get dressed if they are to leave on time to get to school. Now, of course, there is no reason, per se, to feel like the phone is trying to 'control' in a negative sense, as that is just an emotional reaction. One could just as easily see the benefit of having the technology consider things for you so that you are freed up to focus on the important things like a particular conversation you are having with a client or a creative task that you are engaged in.

But then I was checking my email this morning and I noticed something that either hasn't happened before or that I just never picked up on previously. There was an email thread with a colleague that had gone back and forth between us a few times and the last email was from me to them and contained a rhetorical question that was meant as a joke. Thus, there was no response from the other person and it had been several days since I had sent the reply. Of course, I wasn't expecting a reply, but Gmail had placed a note on the email indicating that it had been 4 days with no response and asking whether I would like to follow up (presumably to ask my question again or remind the person that I was awaiting a response.) I had to actively dismiss the suggestion from Gmail so that it was no longer sitting there in orange text demanding my attention each time I checked my email.

Imagine a world where parents buy a robot to take care of their children and the robot decides what TV shows the child will watch, what they learn, what they eat, and what they do for fun? What if it does so based on the inventory of the partner companies associated with the maker of the robot? What if the 'free version' gets to advertise whatever it wants, whenever it wants to the child? Seems unlikely? I mean, parents already put their kids in front of TV's for hours on end to be advertised to. And now, with Amazon's Alexa people are beginning to feel very comfortable not having to lift a finger to do menial things, and sadly 'child care' is seen as one the menial things, along with education, that must just get done during the day. There is very little self-responsibility within parenting and education as they currently exist.

(note: the Robo Nanny was just an idea that I had as something that was likely, but a quick google search revealed that it's already here: The AvatarMInd iPal Robot for Children )

Is our technology trying to help us become more responsible or is it trying to tell us what to do?

Of course it would be silly to assign intent to our technology, but, then, it is being programmed by other human beings, who do have intentions, whether we know them or not.

Now, in order to avoid coming across as paranoid (which I am not), let me place more context here.

As human beings, we have abdicated a great deal of self-responsibility for our own thoughts, feelings, and emotions. We have accepted a system that manages all of the things that we require to survive in this world. Should our lack of responsibility for our own internal worlds interfere with the effective management of that system, what should the system do?

Is the system designed to optimize our freedom or optimize survival?

I would suggest, that if you look at the world, the system's design is to ensure survival, as we have to constantly 'fight' for freedom in many ways. But, is it even OUR survival that the system is designed to ensure? No, it is the survival of the SYSTEM that it is programmed to preserve. You can see this even within your own mind. Your mind is not programmed with your own actual best interest as its primary guiding principle. It is programmed to guide you to survive, but only if that survival ensures the survival of the greater system that we live in. I mean, where does your mind come from? Surely not from YOU, as you didn't have one when you were born. It comes FROM THE SYSTEM, as a function of your environment, the people around you when you are little, and your education. Yes, your genetics plays a large role, but that is simply the accumulated information from generations before, which is therefore shaped through iterations of experience lived by your ancestors. That information is then stored in your DNA and given to you.

Perhaps the most important part of that which is given to you is the rate at which you learn. Some experts argue that intelligence is genetic, but they struggle to find the specific genes that control intelligence. I would suggest that it is not your 'intelligence' per se that is genetic, but rather your rate of learning and ability to remember and recall that is genetic. Because those are structural things. Those are programmable things. If you study neural networks you will find that it is quite simple, in principle, to adjust the learning rate of a neural net to optimize the system's ability to learn from experience.

I would suggest that this is generally what gives people a competitive advantage in the system over others. The ability to learn quickly. Humans are born with a Natural Learning Ability; that is, they are not born with a set culture or way of thinking or believing, but they are able to learn from those around them and from the systems that are present in their environment. They adapt to circumstances. Its kind of like a real-time evolution process. If you take a Chinese-born baby and transplant them the moment they are born into American culture with American parents, they will not adopt Chinese culture, but American culture. That is so obvious. Yet, they will have certain abilities that will give them an advantage over another child born into American culture that will allow them to compete more or less effectively in the education and economic systems. That is more of a problem, though, of the rigidity of our system in valuing it's own survival over that of supporting all life equally. Because, we, as humans, have not taken full responsibility for the system that WE PARTICIPATE IN and GIVE LIFE TO, it has not been engineered to support all Life equally. Instead it does whatever ensures its own survival.

So, will we as humans step up and take self-responsibility for what we are accepting and allowing as a system that governs and manages the resources on this planet? A system that educates our young? A system that decides what entertainment is and is not? A system that determines for you, through education and environment, what your purpose will be? A system that optimizes its own survival at the expense of YOUR INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM and SOVEREIGNTY?

Do we have to choose between survival and freedom? Yes and no.

The survival of a system where we take very little to no self-responsibility for WHO WE ARE and what is acceptable is incompatible with a system of optimal individual freedom and creativity.

If we were to stand up and step up into our true nature, which is that of an adaptable creator, and take self-responsibility, we can guide the system to take care of OUR SURVIVAL and support ALL LIFE equally. The potential to create a heaven on earth is ALREADY HERE, but the BIGGEST MISSING PIECE has still not been fully realized. WE EACH have to step into FULL SELF-RESPONSIBILITY.

Otherwise, our devices, our technology, and the system will encroach on our individual freedom little by little. First our devices will remind us gently that we are late for an appointment. Then later they will simply shut down your vehicle if you decide you'd rather not go to work today but head back home and spend time enjoying life with your kids that day. Does the system care what you 'enjoy'?


But, do YOU care whether all Life is supported to be its best expression?

No, you don't.

And of those two sad, basic facts of reality at the moment, the only one that really matters is WHAT YOU CARE ABOUT.

We have the solution right in our hands, and it starts with education. We have the technology to optimize the ability for each individual to learn and obtain an equally effective level of education, so that survival of the fittest is no longer the driving force behind our evolution as a species. Instead we can drive evolution based on the principle of 'creation of what is best'. Because only with that starting point can we have the best possible world and thus the best possible life experience.

And deep down, isn't that we are all really want anyway?

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Overnight Success

At the end of the day, one's ability to learn new information and apply it will determine their success. There are some examples of people who seemingly went from one station in life to a totally different one. Some of that is pre-programmed into the system so that people will hope that success will someday magically happen to them. The rest were able to learn what was necessary to make money. Survival instinct is a form of pre-programming which if someone gets into a survival mode they can overcome certain fears which most would not walk through. Overcoming fear is necessary to making money because money is made through selling. Consider though that it is EXTREMELY RARE that anyone would listen to a tape and then suddenly start cashing checks in any sustainable way. If that were to happen it is likely that they already had the vocabulary to be successful in their field and there was some mental block that the tape helped them overcome. But again, this would be extremely rare.

If you listen to, for example, Brett Daimler in the GIN level 1 material, he listened to tapes for YEARS before anything happened. And what happened is that he talked to enough people that he found someone who had the skill to really build his Amway downline.

If you can learn the skills of communication and have a clear goal of what you want, then you can be wealthy in this system. But you cannot base it on hope of something happening overnight. That type of thinking is what keeps that vast majority of people stuck.

Trying to just 'be' is a trap

Do you have to get to a place where you just ARE? Aren't you always already HERE? Consider looking at all those things in your mind that have you convinced you need to get somewhere. Many people believe they must get to the point of just being because they are not considering that WHO THEY ARE is actually a problem and is in fact contributing to a world where no one is satisfied with the way things are.

by stopping and being honest with WHO WE ARE currently and evaluating whether it is producing a world that is best for all, then we can stop creating those things that are not best and only create what is best. We already are CREATORS, but the starting point of WHAT we create has never been questioned fully. Instead we distract ourselves with a lie that we must become something or find something or win something or attract something. All we must do is reevaluate every assumption and belief within ourselves and discard that which is not best.

Friday, April 27, 2018

We are looking for a New 1%

It is time for a new 1% to step up and direct the evolution of humanity. The current 1% has proven itself incapable of changing the system that directs the development of the human race on their own. Perhaps this is because they are too comfortable in their current positions. There is no immediate need for them to change anything because their lives are already comfortable. This is an illusion for at least 2 reasons. For one, as is becoming more and more apparent each day, the 99% are not happy with their lot in life and it is only a matter of time before the system cannot protect the current 1% from 'the mob mentality.' You see this as the political left in America and elsewhere is even beginning to eat its own. This is the problem with 'identity politics' as it is based in tribalism and 'division thinking' instead of 'unity and equality' thinking. The left may purport to support "equality," however there is no evidence of it. True Equality already exists. We are all fundamentally of the same substance. THAT is our equality. There is, in fact, no superior and inferior. It only appears that way because we have accepted a game, a system, based on competition for survival of the fittest.

In a system that RECOGNIZES our inherent Equality, there would be no need for competition. There would also not be any need for fear or coercion. Such a system would simply ensure that each "individual" has access to what it needs to function at its optimal level. This is the true essence of "Give to your neighbor as you would like to receive." The fears about socialism and communism are based still in the old mentality of inequality and competition, in the belief that we must pay to exist in this world. Socialism and Communism are reactions to this belief, but clearly inadequate solutions.

The only way for a system to work that embraces the Equality that is inherent in all of us is for all of us to embrace our Equality with what is BEST. In other words, as long as we accept less than we are really capable of, we are not equal to our best, and thus the system that is really just a reflection of the inner world of each of us will not support what is best in each of us. Instead, it will support less than that. The system can be nothing more, nothing less than that which supports what we accept and allow within ourselves. Perhaps Socialism and Communism were reactions to an unfair system, yes. But they were destined to fail because the human being was not evolved enough to participate equally. And so what you end up having is a system of control that dictates what each one does in order to stop the "have nots" from being jealous of the "haves". So you end up with a system that doesn't embrace the full potential of the individual, but instead demands that the individual submits to the system and brings each one down to the lowest common denominator.

What we need now, is not a new system, but a NEW HUMAN. A truly evolved Human that is rational and embraces its fullest potential. That is not something that can be implemented purely from the 'top down' because it requires the full participation of the individual. That doesn't mean it is all left up to the individual, because unless a system considers that the individual is highly susceptible to the influence of suggestion, the system will be based on self-dishonesty.

The fact is that we, as human beings, have a natural learning ability. The environment that we develop IN will determine the extent to which we develop our full range of capabilities. There is currently an argument being promulgated that the environment has little effect on human development and that genetics plays the biggest role. It would be more wise to say that currently, genetics has the biggest say in a person's development, more so than environment, because a person's genetics will determine the speed at which they learn, and since we live in a competitive environment that filters people based on their learning speed (just consider how schools do this), then what ends up happening is that VERY FEW people in this world are given direct support in the early stages of life to enhance their own natural learning ability and as a whole the average person is basically left to their genetics instead of structuring the environment at an individual level to support each person to develop their full range of potential intellectual and emotional abilities.

Because we live in a competitive system, there is virtually NO CHANCE that the average individual will ever find themselves in a truly supportive environment, if they are relying on the larger system itself.  Unless there is a level of self-responsibility taken then things will never change. If the 99% continue to blame the 1%, nothing will change. We cannot rely on those that we blame for the problems to fix them. As long as the average person is not taking direct responsibility for evolving themselves, the system cannot evolve either. The system is a reflection of the individual, just projected at a collective level. So the system is not best for the "elite" nor is it best for the "average" person.

So what is to be done?

If we understand that the NUMBER ONE THING that determines a person's effectiveness in their life is the effectiveness of their vocabulary, then we can see what can be done. One's vocabulary is that which one use to have an EFFECT on others. It is what one uses to THINK. It is how one understands and evaluates a decision or a situation. It is how one recognizes and solves problems. It is also how one competes in the current system. The level of your vocabulary or the specific field of vocabulary you possess will directly determine your income. The research is already clear on this (just look at Johnson O'Connor's work). And yet, if we live in a competitive system, a person's ability to acquire vocabulary will be determined by their learning speed because the average person's environment is not supportive and so their genetic ability is the determining factor.

But what if there were a way, that virtually ANYONE could build an effective vocabulary? Such a technology exists.

What we are looking for are those who are willing to take some risk in their life. Those who know they are meant for a higher purpose, but haven't found it. Those who want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE, but don't see how.


If you were able to support another person to increase their ability to PROCESS INFORMATION, to develop their natural learning ability so that their pre-programmed genetic ability is no longer a limiting factor, you would be able to make a MEASURABLE difference.

Imagine a 1% that were in that position because they had supported hundreds of millions of others to EVOLVE. Not only would that 1% be in a position to make changes in the system in terms of laws, etc but they would have created a foundation where change is possible, because they system would not have to restrict what is possible because the human race is incapable of taking self-responsibility. Imagine what would be possible in terms of systems if the average IQ were 160? (We understand due to the way a bell curve works, the average can only be 100, but we assume you understand what we mean.) Imagine if the average person was truly INTELLIGENT.

What if you could put yourself in a position financially where you never had to do anything you didn't want to do and in getting there you gave lots of people the tool to evolve themselves and therefore humanity as a whole.

We are being vague on purpose. We cannot give all the details here. But if you are serious about changing this world, then YOU MUST CONTACT US.

You can do so here: Contact

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Change your WORDS and change your WORLD

The power to change the world is in YOUR WORDS.

Change the words within and you change the WORLD within.

The world you see OUTSIDE is a reflection of the world you create INSIDE.

The first step of self-responsibility is to direct your inner world.

Pay close attention to the words within. The feelings within. The thoughts within. These are constantly creating and recreating an internal world which you manifest without.

You (and I) are not here to "save the world". You are here to CHANGE YOURSELF.

By doing so, you will show others what is possible. And the world will change.

Let go of the savior complex. No one needs saving. Saving is for the future. It is a projection. It is based on accepting yourself and others as inferior.

Recognize your own power. Accept your own power. Change yourself. Be who you are really meant to be.

Start with self-honesty. Look at where you are deceiving yourself. Look at where your thoughts and actions are deceiving you. Take responsibility for them. Change them. Let go of unsupportive thoughts. Let go of unsupportive feelings.

Stop being a victim to your own thinking and feeling.

The key is IN YOUR WORDS.

Self-forgiveness is self-responsibility

Self-forgiveness is the ultimate act of self-responsibility. Instead of attributing that power to God, realize that YOU are a GOD in the flesh. You are the LIVING WORD. Therefore you have the power to forgive yourself.

Give to yourself what you would like to receive, which is redemption from your own guilt, weakness, fear, sadness, uncertainty, and imperfection.

Reach for perfection. Reach for self-mastery. Forgive the doubts and stop accepting and allowing yourself to be a victim to your own thinking and feeling. 

No God can save you, because ONLY YOU are responsible for YOU.