Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The "What-If" Scenario

The truth about the "what-if scenario" and what you can do about it.


The reason why the "what-if scenario" occurs within a person regarding their dreams and goals is because they don't clearly see, not only the outcome, but all of the steps in between. In other words, there is doubt within their mind about whether or not they can actually achieve their goal or dream. The doubt can only be removed through knowledge, not belief. You have to KNOW because you SEE the result and the step-by-step.

What if... a formula for failure.
Where does this ability to SEE come from?

The simple truth of the matter is that the ability to see is a direct consequence of your vocabulary, which is a term meaning all the words you KNOW.

So if you want to see MORE and you want to see more CLEARLY, the only way to do that is to physically integrate more words into the cells of your body. Because that is where unconscious competence comes from. Because unconscious competence means you don't have to think about it, which means it's an automated program running within your body without you thinking.
What if there was a way that you could physically integrate words within so that they begin resonating at the unconscious level with the correct meaning of the word and in alignment with what it is you want to create?

Wouldn't you want to know how to do that?

Why did Jesus say "I am the living word "?

And why is it that so few could actually hear him at the time? Why were his disciples called disciples? Was it perhaps because of the discipline that they became aware of so that they could follow in the footsteps of their master?
Jesus and his Disciples

Why is it that in the Gospel according to John it says that "in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God" ?

Why does it say that in the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth he "said" let there be light?

If we are made in the image and likeness of God, does that mean we create here on earth through words?

And doesn't it say in the Bible that God is the Alpha and the Omega? Aren't those just the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet?

Does that mean that all you need to create the life of your dreams can be found between the first and last letters in the alphabet?

Is that why Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven is within?

But if you try to learn words you are immediately faced with the problem. That you are now trying to learn through your mind and not through the physical integration process that your body did naturally in the first seven years of your life. Through which you learned to crawl, to walk, to speak, and to think. But once you learn to think, if the words weren't put in properly or if they're are errors in their resonance (think "viruses"), then the mind that thinks is not only limited, but it thinks in a way actively works against creating what you really deep down want. The mind then becomes the barrier between the words that would give you power and the cells of your body which would hold them and resonate and vibrate and create the world that you would like to see.

My son, Max at 10 months
And so, unless you "become like a child" as Jesus instructed and have a way to utilize get past the mind and go straight to your natural learning ability which was given to you by God, then you will be stuck forever in the limitations of your mind. Limitations which were not given by God but in fact created by man through the education system, the media, etc. deliberately from accessing WHO YOU REALLY ARE.

That is why we say the Secret is YOU!

What if someone else had the key to unlocking that secret so it could be shared with the world?
There is much to share but only so much time. I'm can only work with those who have the vision to see the potential within themselves and you have the teachability currently in the self-awareness currently to know that they don't know something and that perhaps someone else may have a missing key for them and are willing to take massive and immediate action.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. But as Les Brown says, if it's a person, you can use words and you can make them thirsty.

And your body is mostly water. Do the cells of your body thirst for more knowledge more understanding and more clarity?

If so I may be able to help you.

When opportunity knocks, will you answer or will you hide in the rooms of your mind as the world grows darker around you and everyone else?

When the call is made, will you answer?

Friday, September 15, 2017



/// For open minds ONLY ///

In the 1920's Napoleon Hill revealed that the secret to success is that your thinking determines what you create.

When delivering a speech to the industry leaders at the time, he told them not to worry because even though he attempted to explain the secret to many "common people," most never did anything with the information.

Here's why:

Also in the 1920's a Harvard graduate named Johnson O'Connor was commissioned by General Electric to find out why people only reached certain levels of success in life and never went further. They wanted to know why their employees couldn't adapt to rapid technological changes and learn new skills with ease.

Johnson O'Connor studied every factor he could come up with. He even created the Human Engineering Laboratory with labs around the country to study people of all walks of life and every level of success.

What he found was that those with the most effective vocabularies in their field had the most success in their field. Those with the most effective vocabularies GENERALLY had the highest positions in society and the highest incomes. In the professions, presidents and CEO's have the most effective vocabularies. He proved through his research that that no other factor predicted success in life better than vocabulary.

He even created a mathematical formula that allowed him to predict a person's IQ and SAT score based on their result on a vocabulary test.

He said in one paper his Laboratory published that, "Words are the tools of thought."
What he discovered was WHY the elite people Napoleon Hill studied WERE ABLE to THINK DIFFERENTLY than the average person. Their vocabularies were more effective.
And yet this has been known, just like the Secret, for more than a hundred years and still the average person is still struggling with success.

The education system has known "the secret" to an effective education for some time and yet studies show that people are less educated on average than people were 50 or 60 years ago.
Knowing these secrets is not enough because the environment that the elite grow up in is designed to instill an effective vocabulary from a young age. For the average person, it is designed to do the opposite. (Think: media, education, etc.)

What if there were a tool that was designed based on how your brain ACTUALLY works and could increase your vocabulary to the level of unconscious competence with EVERY WORD in existence? Will it take time? Of course! There are a lot of words!

The problem is that you have been trained and instilled with neuropathways from a young age to only MEMORIZE information and not PHYSICALLY INTEGRATE it. That is why people study, study, study in school but forget most of what they "learned" soon after the test.

Would you rather memorize things or KNOW them?

If there was something that could make you more effective in ANY AREA of life where you want to improve, would you be interested?

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

You Cannot Change Thinking with Thinking...

If you are thinking the wrong thoughts, then doesn't that imply you don't know how to think the right ones? If you did, why haven't you been doing it all along?

It should be automatic like your breathing. But why isn't it?
Is repetition The key or is there another way, a more effective way?

If you knew where your thoughts actually come from you would be one step closer to the answer and one step closer to creating
the life that you really deep down want, wouldn't you?

Are you ready for the next step?

What if I had a missing key that you needed?

Would you want me to tell you or keep it to myself?

Does consciousness create reality?

Some proponents of the Law of Attraction and Spirituality generally claim that "Consciousness creates Reality" but is that so?

In fact, it is the other way around.

If we look at the definition of REALITY, it means "that which exists independently of anything else" or "that which is real" or "something that is not derivative, not dependent but exists necessarily".

In other words, reality is that which is Here and does not depend on anything else.

By definition ,reality is not consciousness, because consciousness is dependent on energy. If you are self-honest, you will admit this to your self.

Consciousness itself is nothing more than a system of management of energy. It is a 'computer program' that directs the flow of energy in your body as your mind. There are multiple layers of consciousness, yes, but at the end of the day it is all dependent on: ENERGY.

Where does that energy come from?

From the physical reality of which we are all a part. Which we are in fact, equal and one to, but which we do not 'act as if' we are. We act as if we are consciousness and energy and thus we are not SOURCE IN FACT though we are in fact source. It is a strange paradox.

It is like if you were a policeman. You have a badge. You are on the payroll, you are an actual policeman. But let's say you momentarily bump your head and forget that you are a policeman and a criminal is robbing a bank and you just stand there like everyone else saying, "there's nothing I can do". You actually have the power in fact, but you are not acting within that understanding, so you are acting in a way that is less than what you are capable of.

So when we allow ourselves to believe that we are consciousness, we in fact disempower ourselves, because Consciousness is not Source in fact.

Consciousness is a projection of energy from source. The source being the Physical Universe. The physical universe is composed of matter. Physical substance. You cannot perceive it directly through your senses because you ARE that and your senses work on energy, like an x-ray or an MRI. But you ARE one and equal to the physical universe. We all are. Yet, again, we have projected ourselves as something separate from it and then seek to control source through energy.

Consider! Energy controlling its source! And then we are taught to just observe. Just observe and you will know Peace!


That is exactly what someone who would seek to disempower you would say in order to put you into a state of blind acceptance.

And you can say, "But I am seeking to control my reality and create my reality, so how can you say I am just accepting things?"

Because you are not considering that YOU ARE THE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE and that CONSCIOUSNESS is ENERGY which has a beginning and an end. The physical is eternal. That is where truth is. That is where EVERLASTING LIFE is. That is where TRUE POWER is. The PHYSICAL UNIVERSE.

We must realize that the purpose of our mind is to in fact align ourselves with how physical reality operates and to support everyone else to do the same. Then and only then can you create the reality that you want.

If you think that you can simply create your own reality through your consciousness, eventually the physical reality will 'rear its ugly head' and slap the shit out of you. That is why your life always falls apart. You were not born into the elite class where you have the protection of REAL MONEY. You do not have the protection from the negative consequences that are created in our system that stem from everyone trying to create their own realities without regard for the physical (i.e. the physical needs of children, animals, plants, etc which we abuse daily through the money system).

I mean, if you are really self-honest, you are using the Law of Attraction because you are TRYING TO GET RICH so you can HAVE THE PROTECTION I AM TALKING ABOUT. Be HONEST with yourself!

The problem is that you will never win. Because, the odds are, that if you are reading this post, you were not born into the position I described, but also you probably have a GOOD HEART.

So this is a warning and a suggestion. If you want to get rich, you are going to have to ABUSE. That is the nature of the MONEY SYSTEM. So if you are only considering yourself in the equation then you are going to accumulate so much negative 'karma,' if you will, that it will either come back on you or it is going to harm so many people that you will never be forgiven and you will never be able to forgive your self.

So what I suggest is to find a way to empower yourself to become wealthy, but in doing so, place yourself in a position so that you can make a difference in the systems that manage this world and which manage the distribution of physical resources in this world.

Utilize the CHALLENGE of becoming a person with that kind of STATUS and POWER to transform yourself. Apply the Law of Attraction. Apply the Laws of Success. Become more effective. Develop your consciousness to create wealth. But do it from the starting point of preparing yourself to STAND UP in this world and really make a difference.

Making a difference is not "telling everyone else about the Law of Attraction". That is not the solution. If you have been through even Level 2 of GIN you will know that we don't attract. We create. Attraction is a misnomer. So stop trying to be a guru.

It is ok to use the "Law of Attraction" to become more attractive to others. Create a following. But lead people to themselves. Lead them to the answer that the problems in this world stem from what we are all accepting and allowing within.

So within, so without. As below, as above.

This world is not a product of your thinking. Thinking is a trap to keep you pre-occupied. Thinking is 'after the fact'. You cannot even control your thinking in real time. All you can do is STOP THINKING. But then you are left with the problem of "how do I do anything in the world without thinking".

Well, how do you breathe?

You don't think about that and yet it happens automatically. I mean, if you had to think about every breath, you would have a PROBLEM.

The physical universe is operating without your active thought process, all AUTOMATICALLY. 

This is a major problem, and while you are entertaining yourself in your thoughts, the problems in this world are only compounding.

So, there is much that you don't understand. There is much that we have to come to terms with and be self-honest about.

Consciousness is not the answer. Consciousness is in fact the problem.

You do not even KNOW where your thoughts come from and yet you believe that you can change your thinking. 


Time to really start investigating.

All the nice spiritual messages of light and love, by the way, are a distraction. They are there to tempt you with pretty pictures, just like how a parent tries to distract their child with a lollipop. The sugar will give you diabetes. The light will make you go blind.

Love is not the answer unless by "love" you mean "give to all equally until none go without".

But again this means we must focus on the physical systems that distribute resources in the world. Only a system can ensure that every child has what they need. Only a system can make sure that parents have what they need to give their children what they need. Only a system can do that.

Already a system runs our world and it is controlled by the 1%.

It is time for a new system, or at least adjustments to the current one. And the current 1% are not going to do it.

So we need a new 1%. Which means you MUST GET RICH.

So use the Law of Attraction. Become wealthy. Stand up. GET RICH. But remember where you came from and what you are here to do.

This is a wake up call and an activation of all those who stood with me before we came to this reality in agreement that we would come and not abuse what is here, but stand up for those who have no voice and do what is necessary to change the system.

This message is not for everyone RIGHT NOW. You will know if it is for you.

See ya!

Monday, September 11, 2017

If God loves the world why does He allow suffering and evil?

Many who believe in God explain evil in this world by saying that God gives us free will. In other words, he gives us the freedom to choose good or bad actions. The rationality being that he wants us to choose to love him and each other freely, without coercion.

But those of you that have children, and I would assume you love them more than anything, do you let them choose between good actions and bad actions? Are they free to run around your house and do anything they want, for example set the house on fire, steal from your neighbors, hurt themselves, hurt each other?

If you went to someone's house, and you saw them allowing their children to do these things, what would you say about that parent? Would you say, "oh clearly this parent loves their children so much that they give them the freedom to do whatever they want so that when the child does the right thing they're doing it freely!" ???

Why do we apply one set of logic to "God" and another logic to humans?

When something terrible, like 9/11 happens, do we say "oh look evidence of God's work in the world, evidence of God's love for us, of our freedom to choose?"

Or do we lash out at the perpetrators, and hold them accountable, and punish them using human laws, human prisons, and human punishments?

If our faith in God was absolute, why wouldn't we allow them the same freedom of choice that God does? If we don't, does it mean we don't love our neighbor as God does?

When we punish our children, or at least attempt to direct their behavior towards what we consider best, are we being less than God? Or are we exercising our common sense that if a child is not directed in terms of how to act in a way that is best for themselves and others then there will be consequences that affect others and ultimately will come back on the child.

So do you raise your children allowing their complete freedom of will like God? Or do YOU decide what is BEST?

Or are we perhaps abusing the concept of "free will" ? How can we define free will in a way that doesn't create unintended consequences? Because the current definition ALLOWS and JUSTIFIES abuse. And yet, we don't even apply this definition universally. As individuals, we tend to apply this definition to justify OUR actions and thoughts and beliefs that are not best, and yet we hold everyone else to the standard of paying for their actions, thoughts, and beliefs when they hurt other people or ourselves especially.

What if the true meaning of "free will" is the freedom to always choose what is BEST in any given situation? Whether you believe in "truth" or not, at the very least, doesn't this definition serve us and others better?

Of course, in the way the world works today, it is not always possible to choose what is best from the bigger perspective, because we have to survive. And so we all do things that we know are not best because if we don't, ultimately it's a lot harder to survive in this world. In self honesty, don't you observe that those who are the most dishonest, the best liars, the best cheaters, the best abusers, tend to make the most money? You may say that people get what they have coming, but deep down you know that isn't true. Because otherwise you would never blame anyone in any position at any level of society for any problems in this world. Because they would've got what they had coming and would not be allowed or be able to continue in the position they are in. There would be no oil cartels, drug cartels, monopolies, starvation, suffering. With enough money you can virtually avoid justice in this world. And you know what I'm saying is true.

The fact is, saying that God allows free will gives you permission to participate in a system of abuse, for example our money system, while billions starve and lack basic necessities.

If God were here on earth, wouldn't he do something about this situation? Isn't that what Jesus attempted to do? And yet the world crucified him. Is that what you fear for yourself? Are you not actually free to exercise your will due to fear?

Did God allow Jesus to have free will? What does it say in the Bible, that God so loved the world that he sent his only son to die for OUR sins?

What parent would do that? A loving one?

So, if we are to exercise our free will properly, knowing that we have a system of abuse in this world, wouldn't that imply that even within that limitation, proper use of our free will would be to choose in every moment that which would support a change in the system that would free us from the bonds of a system of slavery, abuse, and competition for survival?

Isn't that what Jesus would do?

Self honesty means looking at your beliefs within commonsense, not justifying your own self interest and fear, but based on considering the actual consequences of holding such beliefs.

Are you self honest enough to see the common sense in what I'm saying here? Can you forgive yourself if it turns out that you've been wrong this whole time? Or have you given the power to forgive away to something/someone external to you, which is the essence of mysticism?
And what does it mean to take the Lord's name in vain if not to use his name to justify abuse, when He put you on this earth to use your God-given common sense to make it the heaven that it could be.

See you in the comments.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Pray for Florida

Everyone praying that God directs the hurricane away from Florida:

Did God create the hurricane and send it to Florida in the first place? If so, why are you questioning His plan?

If not, then perhaps the Hurricane has Free Will just like us. Free to abuse or not. Who are you to interfere with another's Free Will?

Is the proper place of prayer to try to influence things over which you have no control? Or is it to reconnect to that part of you which has abdicated authority in your life in order to take back more and more responsibility for those things you can influence directly?

Do you think God is listening to your prayers and making decisions based on them like some kind of democratic process?

If you have Faith in God why not just allow things to happen and know that He has got it all figured out?

Or do you doubt that he does?

Or did He put us here to take direct responsibility for this level of Creation?

What will you do when you get to Heaven and you face God and he asks you what you spent your time doing on Earth?

Will you say that you became the Best version of your self possible?

Or will you say that you say and asked someone else to fix the problems in this world?

Why do we not have better architecture and systems in place to minimize the loss of life during hurricanes?

Is this a God-problem or a Human-problem?

Who are YOU within this equation?

Nothing is Hidden

The only "truth" is what is here. The only thing blocking one from seeing what is here is the mind. Learn to see with your physical body. Nothing is hidden.

Calm your Waters and Know your Self.

Matthew 8:26

He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

Do you think this is referring to literal waters or your internal water?

When you calm the storm of your mind, what is possible then?

Who is responsible for what goes on within your mind?
Will God forgive us for all the nastiness we allow inside?

How can we judge the nastiness in the world when it is a reflection of the nastiness within each one of us.

Do you know who you really are?
"The Kingdom of Heaven is Within."

"Be still and know that you are God."

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Guy back in the 60's in a record shop: Man I love that new song from the Beatles "all you need is love". I really want that album!
Music store worker: groovy, man. We got it in stock. You want it?
Guy: Yeah, baby. Give it to me!
Worker: that'll be 3 dollars, please.
Guy: what? That's false advertising! I love it so you should just give it to me.
Worker: I'd be happy to. All I need is the money.


Sunday, September 3, 2017

Amalgamate With What is Here

 "You have a clean slate, in fact, if you would dare to take it. Everything that you ARE is existent within the system of consciousness. You don't need the Akashic records, you don't need your past lives, you don't need to know what has happened. All you need to do is deal with THIS physical reality and what is happening in THIS reality and amalgamate yourself with what is HERE and direct what is HERE equal and one and you solve the problem."
- Bernard Poolman

The key is in the word "amalgamate" which means:
1. To combine into a unified or integrated whole; unite.
2. To become combined; unite.

"Direct what is here equal in one and you solve the problem" means the following: firstly being equal and one to what is here, means looking at reality as it actually exist and not separating yourself from it and saying I can't do this I can't do that based on a judgment. Or for example seeing yourself as above something because ultimately that is disempowering. So we have to be one with reality as it is and equal to it which means 100% responsibility for whatever problem exists that we are physically capable of directing. Each of us are in a different position in our lives and of different skill sets, of course with TechnoTutor one could potentially expand that significantly, but the problem is most people are existing only in their mind as pictures and ideas, which kind of course being manipulated by those who control the "images".

So in other words, we must except full responsibility and develop ourselves to be able to directly influence reality, for example, going into politics, playing the game, doing it better than those who wish to harm and abuse. Or going into economics, playing the game, doing it better than those who are currently playing and harming, yet doing it from a different starting point.

Many people make the mistake, for example, of judging those with money, as you're well aware, and yet don't realize that by doing so they cut themselves off from the one thing that would actually allow them to stand up and have a voice in this world, because as you and I both know, without money, you have no free speech.

And without money and a network an individual cannot stand against those who want to keep the system as it is intact. I mean, that is basically what Kevin Trudeau and Mark Hamilton and Bernard Poolman telling people. If you want to solve the problems of this world, we have to realize that they are not "happening to us" but are in fact a reflection of all of the thoughts that we are all thinking. We went to world without competition for survival, then we have to change our thought process about that. But most people will not be able to do that, so would be far easier for us to stand up in the system and make adjustments to the economic and political systems to relieve the pressure of survival that keeps most people from ever questioning anything about their life or the system that we live in.

One and equal also means, at another level, that we are all 'one' and 'the same' but not as how most people think of it. One means we are each individual. Which is the opposite of how the system presents 'oneness' which is more like a hive mind situation. So, unless we recognize our oneness, which is to say, our individuality, then we cannot solve the problem existent in this world, because the problem, in fact, lies within each one INDIVIDUALLY. It is WHO we are allowing ourselves to BE that is the issue. The problem is not 'out there'. It only exists 'out there' because the world is a reflection of who we are on the inside. As above, so below...

The 'equal' part comes in when we consider that each of us, as individuals, is in fact equal. There is no superior or inferior, in fact, when it comes to the broader scope of reality. It is only through a system of control and misdirection that some end up 'on top' while most end up 'on the bottom'. Even the elite have to shit. Which means they are the same base design as everyone else. It is, in fact, their VOCABULARIES that allows them to direct this world and everyone else, simplistically by limited the vocabularies of everyone else so that we do not see and understand the problem and even if we do, do not have the 'tools of thought' (i.e. words) to sort it out. We lack the ability to communicate with each other. This is the main source of conflict, because everyone is always busy saying one thing and thinking another. We all do this, if we are self-honest we will admit it. So we are all fundamentally one (meaning individual) and we are all equal (meaning the same, from the perspective of substance) and yet unless we become one and equal to the system that exists and direct it to stop producing what essentially amounts to idiots who follow directions without real consideration, the system will continue as is into eternity, perhaps, or until the next big crash, which will not end well for ANYONE.     

For further consideration, one might want to watch the following:

Revenge of the Ego 

The Resonant Seed 

The Fall of God 

Absolute Individuality 

Friday, September 1, 2017

The KEY to World Peace

The path to world peace is understanding. The path to understanding is education. The path to education is vocabulary.