Sunday, September 3, 2017

Amalgamate With What is Here

 "You have a clean slate, in fact, if you would dare to take it. Everything that you ARE is existent within the system of consciousness. You don't need the Akashic records, you don't need your past lives, you don't need to know what has happened. All you need to do is deal with THIS physical reality and what is happening in THIS reality and amalgamate yourself with what is HERE and direct what is HERE equal and one and you solve the problem."
- Bernard Poolman

The key is in the word "amalgamate" which means:
1. To combine into a unified or integrated whole; unite.
2. To become combined; unite.

"Direct what is here equal in one and you solve the problem" means the following: firstly being equal and one to what is here, means looking at reality as it actually exist and not separating yourself from it and saying I can't do this I can't do that based on a judgment. Or for example seeing yourself as above something because ultimately that is disempowering. So we have to be one with reality as it is and equal to it which means 100% responsibility for whatever problem exists that we are physically capable of directing. Each of us are in a different position in our lives and of different skill sets, of course with TechnoTutor one could potentially expand that significantly, but the problem is most people are existing only in their mind as pictures and ideas, which kind of course being manipulated by those who control the "images".

So in other words, we must except full responsibility and develop ourselves to be able to directly influence reality, for example, going into politics, playing the game, doing it better than those who wish to harm and abuse. Or going into economics, playing the game, doing it better than those who are currently playing and harming, yet doing it from a different starting point.

Many people make the mistake, for example, of judging those with money, as you're well aware, and yet don't realize that by doing so they cut themselves off from the one thing that would actually allow them to stand up and have a voice in this world, because as you and I both know, without money, you have no free speech.

And without money and a network an individual cannot stand against those who want to keep the system as it is intact. I mean, that is basically what Kevin Trudeau and Mark Hamilton and Bernard Poolman telling people. If you want to solve the problems of this world, we have to realize that they are not "happening to us" but are in fact a reflection of all of the thoughts that we are all thinking. We went to world without competition for survival, then we have to change our thought process about that. But most people will not be able to do that, so would be far easier for us to stand up in the system and make adjustments to the economic and political systems to relieve the pressure of survival that keeps most people from ever questioning anything about their life or the system that we live in.

One and equal also means, at another level, that we are all 'one' and 'the same' but not as how most people think of it. One means we are each individual. Which is the opposite of how the system presents 'oneness' which is more like a hive mind situation. So, unless we recognize our oneness, which is to say, our individuality, then we cannot solve the problem existent in this world, because the problem, in fact, lies within each one INDIVIDUALLY. It is WHO we are allowing ourselves to BE that is the issue. The problem is not 'out there'. It only exists 'out there' because the world is a reflection of who we are on the inside. As above, so below...

The 'equal' part comes in when we consider that each of us, as individuals, is in fact equal. There is no superior or inferior, in fact, when it comes to the broader scope of reality. It is only through a system of control and misdirection that some end up 'on top' while most end up 'on the bottom'. Even the elite have to shit. Which means they are the same base design as everyone else. It is, in fact, their VOCABULARIES that allows them to direct this world and everyone else, simplistically by limited the vocabularies of everyone else so that we do not see and understand the problem and even if we do, do not have the 'tools of thought' (i.e. words) to sort it out. We lack the ability to communicate with each other. This is the main source of conflict, because everyone is always busy saying one thing and thinking another. We all do this, if we are self-honest we will admit it. So we are all fundamentally one (meaning individual) and we are all equal (meaning the same, from the perspective of substance) and yet unless we become one and equal to the system that exists and direct it to stop producing what essentially amounts to idiots who follow directions without real consideration, the system will continue as is into eternity, perhaps, or until the next big crash, which will not end well for ANYONE.     

For further consideration, one might want to watch the following:

Revenge of the Ego 

The Resonant Seed 

The Fall of God 

Absolute Individuality 

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