Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The "What-If" Scenario

The truth about the "what-if scenario" and what you can do about it.


The reason why the "what-if scenario" occurs within a person regarding their dreams and goals is because they don't clearly see, not only the outcome, but all of the steps in between. In other words, there is doubt within their mind about whether or not they can actually achieve their goal or dream. The doubt can only be removed through knowledge, not belief. You have to KNOW because you SEE the result and the step-by-step.

What if... a formula for failure.
Where does this ability to SEE come from?

The simple truth of the matter is that the ability to see is a direct consequence of your vocabulary, which is a term meaning all the words you KNOW.

So if you want to see MORE and you want to see more CLEARLY, the only way to do that is to physically integrate more words into the cells of your body. Because that is where unconscious competence comes from. Because unconscious competence means you don't have to think about it, which means it's an automated program running within your body without you thinking.
What if there was a way that you could physically integrate words within so that they begin resonating at the unconscious level with the correct meaning of the word and in alignment with what it is you want to create?

Wouldn't you want to know how to do that?

Why did Jesus say "I am the living word "?

And why is it that so few could actually hear him at the time? Why were his disciples called disciples? Was it perhaps because of the discipline that they became aware of so that they could follow in the footsteps of their master?
Jesus and his Disciples

Why is it that in the Gospel according to John it says that "in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God" ?

Why does it say that in the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth he "said" let there be light?

If we are made in the image and likeness of God, does that mean we create here on earth through words?

And doesn't it say in the Bible that God is the Alpha and the Omega? Aren't those just the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet?

Does that mean that all you need to create the life of your dreams can be found between the first and last letters in the alphabet?

Is that why Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven is within?

But if you try to learn words you are immediately faced with the problem. That you are now trying to learn through your mind and not through the physical integration process that your body did naturally in the first seven years of your life. Through which you learned to crawl, to walk, to speak, and to think. But once you learn to think, if the words weren't put in properly or if they're are errors in their resonance (think "viruses"), then the mind that thinks is not only limited, but it thinks in a way actively works against creating what you really deep down want. The mind then becomes the barrier between the words that would give you power and the cells of your body which would hold them and resonate and vibrate and create the world that you would like to see.

My son, Max at 10 months
And so, unless you "become like a child" as Jesus instructed and have a way to utilize get past the mind and go straight to your natural learning ability which was given to you by God, then you will be stuck forever in the limitations of your mind. Limitations which were not given by God but in fact created by man through the education system, the media, etc. deliberately from accessing WHO YOU REALLY ARE.

That is why we say the Secret is YOU!

What if someone else had the key to unlocking that secret so it could be shared with the world?
There is much to share but only so much time. I'm can only work with those who have the vision to see the potential within themselves and you have the teachability currently in the self-awareness currently to know that they don't know something and that perhaps someone else may have a missing key for them and are willing to take massive and immediate action.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. But as Les Brown says, if it's a person, you can use words and you can make them thirsty.

And your body is mostly water. Do the cells of your body thirst for more knowledge more understanding and more clarity?

If so I may be able to help you.

When opportunity knocks, will you answer or will you hide in the rooms of your mind as the world grows darker around you and everyone else?

When the call is made, will you answer?

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