Saturday, November 24, 2018

Innocence vs Naivete

In our previous post, we discussed the innocence of a child and how that is destroyed through abuse by the parent and the system that forms the environment of the child.

To provide more context for what we mean by 'innocent :

In this context, innocence means: free from guilt, lacking the knowledge of good and evil, not participating in abuse through intent to do harm or to sabotage the well-being of another.

To know and not to do is not to know.

On the other hand, if one does not know that means one will not do.

We infuse the knowledge of good and evil into our children, but this is a false dichotomy, because the 'good' that we teach our children is based on a limited context and is really nothing more than 'in group preference.'

Paraphrasing something Bernard Poolman once said, "There is only one way that is BEST. There are many derivatives of what is not best."

Imagine walking to a fork in the road. To the right is labeled "The Best" and to the left is labeled "Not Best."

You take the path marked "Not Best" and now that road has many branches some labeled "good" and some labeled "bad".

As Humanity we have taken the path marked "Not Best" many aeons ago and now we argue over whether we should go down the "good" or "bad" paths, but in reality, none of these paths will lead us to the best outcome. All political systems being proposed are within the context of the system that we have been indoctrinated into, and thus our imagination has been shaped by a context in which we accept that poverty is the natural state of the human being, when in fact our natural state is that of a creator, and thus it is not limited.

But, when we come into this world, we are taught to be less than who we really are. We are presented with many 'choices' of who to become, none of which take into account our true nature as creators.

And thus we make 'choices' within the context of lack, limitation, fear, and resistance. Not within the context of expansion, creation, and real love (which is to give as we want to receive).

Thus all of our actions within this limited context are by definition "not best".

This is the loss of innocence.

Innocence is the state in which the best option is always possible and in which it is in fact the only desirable option. It is the AUTOMATIC CHOICE.

But in order to make that choice, one must understand that the other choices which are theoretically possible will end in what is not best.

One must be able to 'travel all the other paths' within one's mind to see that they do not produce the best result. In reality, there are no signposts marked 'best' or 'not best'. We must process the information around us to be able to DETERMINE which is best. And if our ability to process information is effective and not limited in any way, we will be able to arrive at the correct conclusion. And anyone else in our shoes, if their information processing ability is error-free and bias-free should arrive at the exact same conclusion.

It is only when we begin to program in biases and limitations into a child's information processing ability that they begin to choose between the derivative, not best (good vs evil) choices, and argue for their idea of good or bad based on the pre-programmed biases.

So, does Innocence mean that one is not able to make decisions? That one lacks competence or the ability to function effectively in this world?

Not at all.

It only SEEMS to mean that when we define innocence as "lacking in understanding or competence" with regards to how the physical reality works. This is the definition, per se, of Naivete.

So, we must redefine innocence to remove the limiting aspects of the definition which we have placed in as a bias to prevent us from supporting our children and ourselves in the best way possible.

We must support ourselves and our children to remain in the Quantum State of Learning, which is Innocence. The state beyond polarity, where one can hold multiple paths within oneself and see in real time what is best. And when that determination is made, the Wave Function Collapses into the reality which is best. This is basic Quantum Mechanics.

If consider that your information processing ability is like a GPS that guides you within your choices, then we understand that the GPS must be programmed effectively, otherwise it will not take us to the correct destination. The Human GPS is one's education which exists primarily of words and their definitions. So when the words are not there, or the definitions are not correct, one can see how the GPS would take people to all kinds of paths that would not be best. And of course the person following the GPS will argue that their GPS is correct because they cannot see the programming, and therefore argue that their destination is correct, because one does not know how to do anything about it.

But, what if you COULD change the programming in the GPS so that it produced the BEST path EVERY TIME?

Innocence + Competence + Self-Direction = Integrity

How do we return to this state?

How do we support our children to remain in this state?

We will require the BEST TOOLS on the planet.

Ask and ye shall receive.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Children are Innocent - so Why are Adults so F***ed Up?

When a child is born and through the early stages of childhood, they remain in a state of innocence insofar as they are in a state of openness and natural ability to learn and absorb from their environment. But, from the time they are born and placed into an environment they begin, in essence, downloading the patterns of those around them and the structure of the environment instinctually. If you are a high-strung, stressed out parent, this will imprint onto your child. They will become like you.

If you are mean to your child, this will shape the way they see the world, the way they see themselves, and the way they see you.

If you are patient, kind, supportive, and allow them to learn from mistakes in an environment of unconditional love, this will shape their basic nature and character.

If you give them what they need in terms of vocabulary and exposure to ideas and opportunities to challenge themselves and be creative, they will develop into an amazing human being.

But how does one do this in a world that demands the parent fight for their own survival and that of their children?

So far, parents succumb to the pressures of the system and instead of supporting their child to develop into their full potential as a benevolent creator, they mold them into a nasty consumer who's only real purpose is to keep the system as it is.

As a parent, if you truly care, you must become specific. You must enhance your ability to process information and develop a self-awareness that is so keen, that no thought, feeling, or emotion goes unnoticed with you or with another person and thus you are able to direct yourself and support others to direct themselves within the context of what is best for everyone.

If everyone did that, the environment that children grow up in would be supportive of their natural development into a fundamentally good person.

But of course, people will have all kinds of excuses, and yet none of those excuses are valid because they only lead to what is less than best.

Consider when a child plays with a set of blocks. You build the blocks up and the child knocks them down. Do you get angry? Do you attempt to control the child? Do you tell them, "Fine! You build them yourself then!"

The basic, inherent spitefulness of parents towards their children is evident to one who has an effective ability to process information. Parents do not realize it, perhaps, but it is YOU, who destroy the innocence of your child. You have no one else to blame. You are the one putting your child in front of a TV program that is DESIGNED to advertise to them by programming them at a symbolic level to respond to certain stimuli. It is YOU who allow yourself to be manipulated by your own feelings and lie to your child about the existence of Santa Claus and all kinds of other things which you know not to be true or at the very least have NO REAL EVIDENCE for. You allow your own self-deception to determine what your child learns.


The children are NOT the future. YOU ARE.