Tuesday, August 29, 2017

A time for Love and a time for Hate

I see some people saying that there's no place for hate in our world. And yet there are plenty of things to hate. Poverty. Suffering. Abuse. Slavery. Competition for survival, to name a few.

Love is important, but it's difficult to love when you're in constant fear. Only a system can love all equally. Currently, our system instills fear and hatred. That must change. It is in fact inevitable.
Love when it is appropriate. Hate when it is appropriate. Learn to use your words effectively and live by them. Otherwise words will control you and nothing will change.

As Jim Rohn says, love like a mother; hate like a father. Nourish like a mother; defend like a father.
Consider all the children suffering in this world with no one to defend them.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

The Solution to the "Race War"

Our DNA is so mixed up and recombined there is no "pure race" and never will be. The solution does not lie in going backwards. It lies in moving forward by recognizing what we have in common and by valuing all life equally. Brainwashing prevents this. Thus only through REAL education will we solve the chaos in the world FOR REAL.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Belief vs Knowing

What is the difference between belief and knowing?
Did you know that they are mutually exclusive?

We believe certain things because we DON'T KNOW.
In the middle of the word beLIEf is the word LIE. Why?

Because, we have to lie to ourselves that we KNOW when
we deep down know that we don't.

Belief implies doubt. It implies that you DON'T KNOW. Otherwise you would just... KNOW.
Another fundamental difference between belief and knowledge (and this will take a high teachability to grasp) is that belief requires ENERGY and knowing doesn't.

Knowledge is a structure. It is when the information is physically integrated into your body. Belief is a set of thought patterns and feelings ABOUT something you don't know.

Since belief is based on energy, it follows the rules of energy. Energy has a beginning and an end. Just like a battery. Knowledge simply 'is'.

If you have a belief about who you are, then what do you think will happen when you die?

If you KNOW who you are, because you have established it as a REAL STRUCTURE in the physical. Then what would happen then?

Be careful that you don't get screwed by your beliefs and completely miss the point of being HERE.

The 'secret' to Feeling Good

When you're unconsciously competent at doing what is best for you and for everyone else in the context of what you're capable of, you will automatically feel good as a result without even thinking about it.

Monday, August 21, 2017

The Real Meaning of the Eclipse

One meaning of the word "eclipse", is for something to lose prominence, meaning, or power.
Instead of accepting the eclipse as an "event" that is "happening" to you, be the director of the event. Direct the energies, direct the meaning, direct your self within the eclipse.

Perhaps consider using this time to eclipse your past limitations, fears, excuses, and no longer give power to the things in your past which hold so much meaning and prominence in your life and which are holding you back from living the life that you know you could and deep down want to live.

Remember, this world is a reflection of who each of us is on the inside, and as long as we give power to events outside of ourselves we will continue to only be the observer with no power whatsoever.
The fact is that you are actually a powerful creator, made in the image and likeness of God.

The true Path of Totality is to focus yourself on becoming the very best that you can be. Become equal to all that you are capable of.

Use this time to contemplate who you really are.