Are we willing to let go of that which gives us the ultimate feeling of security, that in the end everything will be ok?
Unless we are willing to drop that, how can we ever take full self-responsibility? Won't we inevitably reach a point where we are not willing to go further, whether in our reasoning or our actions, because "well, that can't change, only God can change it".
For example, I've heard the objection when discussing creating a system where all have what they required to live a dignified life: "there will always be poverty, human nature is evil and all we can do is follow God's plan."
But how do you know that 'God's plan' doesn't include YOU taking full responsibility for creating a new system that provides for all's needs based on their physical form?
What I see is that God (and even believing that there is no God) is just a cop out where one does not see HOW they can take full responsibility for this Life, for ALL LIFE and one wrings their hands and says "Only God can do that, its up to him/it and if it's in his plan then it will happen."
This line of thinking applies to ALL religion, whether there is a "God" in the picture or not. Even the faiths that purport to be about universal acceptance of everyone's equality and to be based on principles such as do unto others what one wants done unto themselves, never offer a practical way to implement this in a global, system-wide fashion. And if that never happens, then what is the point?
What is the point of religion, faith, God, etc if it does not support one to practically stand in this world and create/maintain a system that is best for all? Isn't that what everyone WANTS GOD TO BE?
We want God to be that force or entity that makes everything ok, that provides some ultimate order or justice in the universe, and because we project that outward as separate from us, or MORE than us, then we do not take self-responsibility for LIVING that ourselves.
What if instead, we realized that the concept of God as that which makes sure all is right in the universe is our responsibility to CREATE?
Is it possible? Well, what excuses do we have that don't involve at some level the hope/belief/desire for God to work things out for us or to be the reason why we can't do it ourselves.
Can we develop the reason and common sense, both individually and collectively, required to create such a system? Can we say, this has been tried before and never works? Human nature can't change?
But in the moment of making such an excuse, are we not MAKING THE CHOICE to not change OUR human nature? Is human nature 'inherent' or is it simply what we, as humans are allowing ourselves to do automatically and not even attempting to change?
Is it not obvious that a child is born into an environment that does not value all Life equally? If this environment were changed, would the child not automatically develop a nature that values all life equally?
Is the responsibility to change and at least implement the systems that will even gradually adjust the environment that children are born into, isn't that OUR responsibility?
Are we not the GOD that we have been hoping for? If we cannot do what is best for our children then why would we assume God would do what is best for us? If we are 'absent' from reality, chasing imaginary happiness in our heads, then why wouldn't we assume God is doing the same? Perhaps God is relying on us to change so that we can all be unified.
Believing that we are all one source, without considering what you, as a source of thought and action, are giving acceptance and allowance to in this world, is nothing more than abdicating responsibility to a personified God. It is no different than the ultra religious faith that you probably thought you were eschewing by 'evolving spiritually' to recognize that we are all 'one'. You do not even recognize your own unity. Perhaps you missed that lesson in math where the number 1 is called unity. Perhaps you did not realize that you are One individual and that your individual choices along with everyone else's accumulate into the reality we see today. Perhaps the 'oneness' you believe in as us all returning to the same source is really not the oneness you want. Just like an animal carcass returns to the earth when it dies, yes you will return to that source. But did you think the individual personality you have now will continue when it is clearly a function of your body? Were you hoping God would grant you a soul to continue on?
What would be the point when you aren't even using it to take full responsibility here?
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