With the events happening today regarding lock downs, quarantines, shutting down of businesses, face masks, banning of public gatherings, etc we are all collectively experiencing the manifestation of the opposite of Jesus' message, which was to "Love your neighbor as yourself."
We are all collectively witnessing the impulsing and the manifestation of Fear your Neighbor as your Enemy.
How did we get here?
This is not something new we are experiencing. If you had been living in a third world country with little access to resources, you never really saw the common man as your neighbor, certainly not the man in the first world country.
But in schools, even the first world, we teach our children to compete with each other. Only so many people can get that scholarship. Not everyone can get an A. Why is it that our education process which ought to be designed in a way to bring everyone to a point of equal effectiveness, is based on competing? The times I have really learned something was not when I was competing with someone but rather the times when I sat, focused, clarified the vocabulary and went through the information with the intention of really understanding it so that I could apply the knowledge in some context.
The point of economy should be to firstly support everyone to have a life of dignity and comfort and then to expand beyond that and constantly improve the balance, but instead we have relegated our economy to one of competition as well.
And so none of what is happening currently is surprising to me. It is showing the real face of humanity, ironically by everyone wearing a mask.
We have been wearing a mask this whole time perhaps. Pretending we are good people while not considering the consequences of the system that we support and benefit from while it causes massive inequality in this world.
And it is not just the third world that experiences the inequality. The first world experiences it as mental illness and anxiety; existential angst, fear, paranoia, and mistrust of their neighbor.
Now we see the collective education level of even the first world where so many are ready to put on a mask that cannot protect them from something that is already within and without. We have been brainwashed by a corporate medical establishment to believe we understand science just enough to listen to the medical/scientific authority but not enough to question and evaluate the information for ourselves.
And so now, when the authority says that we should fear our neighbor's breath, we so easily comply with whatever solution is imposed.
We tell our children they can't play at the playground because we either fear them 'catching something' or we fear being reprimanded by the authority or even, perhaps worse, by our neighbor.
What will the neighbor's think of me if I allow my children to play at the playground? Will they think I am not concerned for their health? That I don't love my children? That I don't care about others' children? That I am not to be trusted and must be kept an eye on?
The thoughts of paranoia begin to pop up within us as it starts to dawn that we have been impulsed through images, videos, articles, to FEAR our neighbor as we FEAR ourselves.
We know that we cannot be trusted because we have placed our trust in a system that we know does not have our best interest at heart. So, surely I cannot trust my neighbor?
What is the solution?
The only solution is to firstly be honest that his is how we are feeling. That we are afraid. That we are worried, concerned about the future. That we do not know if this is a sign that things will only get worse.
We are worried that the governments will use this as an excuse to control our lives even more, that we will lose our freedom. But we have never exercised our freedom in a responsible way! We have only cared about our own comfort and ability to exercise choice in fulfilling our desires. We never really considered the consequences of our desires being fulfilled. We never thought about the poorly educated who have no choice but to work at the big box store for next to nothing so that we could get our desires CHEAP.
LOW PRICES means LOW WAGES which means we do not value our neighbor as equals as Life, but rather a means to an end. And now we FEAR our neighbor that they might be the means to our END when we don't even really understand what it is that we are afraid of. All we know is that CNN told us to be afraid. They used numbers that go UP to turn up our emotions just like the fever that we so fear.
Where to go from here?
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear dying.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear suffering.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to entertain myself with images of suffering and dying while at the same time never want to experience that for real.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that while I chase the fulfillment of my desires, people experience suffering and death for real as a consequence.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to know about the Butterfly Effect but not consider that a simple purchase that I make feeds and supports a system that is based on slavery.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to wear the mask of pretending to care so that I can go on my merry way of following my bliss like I am some kind of superhero in my own life who will make my life as fun and exciting and exhilarating as possible.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that everything is in reverse.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that it is time to drop ALL the masks and to figure out what I can do to no longer accept and allow a system based on fearing one's neighbor and competing with one's neighbor to survive, when we all die as a matter of course, but the system we have created and continue to participate in ensures that we never really live.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I can hide my true nature behind a mask but in reality who I really am shows in what I accept and allow.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the judgment of others.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge others.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not transcend judgment which would be to make a self honest assessment of what I accept and allow individually and collectively that is not best for all and to then support myself to stand up and change that which is not best to what is best.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the weakness of thinking.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear my neighbor and to thus not want to participate in creating a system that is best for all.
I commit myself to stand clearly, openly as who I am, sharing what I accept, showing others that it is ok and possible to change, to value all Life equally and my living application of increasing my levels of responsibility in the system to bring about a system equal education for all and equal money for all will be the proof of who I am.
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