Saturday, March 18, 2017

An alternative to the Simulation Hypothesis

The Simulation Hypothesis, if you aren't already familiar with it argues that it is mathematically, probabilistically virtually impossible that we are not living in a simulated universe. That would imply that nothing you see is real from the perspective that there is a greater reality beyond anything that one could ever experience or be aware of within the context of this current reality.

From a mathematics perspective, it is hard to argue with the conclusion, given the assumptions, but the problem with the argument is that it is descriptive in nature only. It offers no solutions whatsoever to the problems of life. Of course that may not be the purpose, however we would assume that there are many out there looking for solutions to life's problems which is why they are interested in arguments such as the Simulation Hypothesis.

So we will not argue against the Hypothesis but simply add context and offer a solution that is practical.

The main thrust of the Simulation Hypothesis, the main reason it is compelling in a purely emotional sense is that it seems to explain, in a way, that feeling that we all have in the back of our minds that something is not quite right in this world. That feeling that one has as a child that one learns to suppress because the adults around us just don't have time to talk about such things because they are too busy making money!

What is that thing in the back of our minds that we all know and yet seldom express?

No one is happy.

Now, some will react and defend their happiness because that is their right and their apparent free choice to do so, but we will simply ask you, "How can you be happy when so many suffer in this world?"

Whatever happiness you may experience in your life, if you are honest, you know is only fleeting, not eternal, not lasting, not based on anything real, in fact only a chemical experience in your brain that you believe is 'the purpose of life'. It is just a feeling. It is, in fact, a SIMULATION of happiness.

Real happiness would be an eternal joy that never ends and has no bounds or limits and always expands. That is actually what Life really is, though neither you nor I can really imagine it or even find adequate words to describe it because all our thoughts, our emotions, even our logic are merely simulated. They never seem able to describe anything outside of what we already know. They are by definition limited because they are the result of the current system in which we have been indoctrinated, cultivated, educated, brainwashed; whatever fancy word you want to use. Your imagination is simply a rearranging of what you are aware of as that which is already here, which is limited by design as we have talked about in previous posts.

Yes, we do live in a simulation, in the sense that what we are all experiencing right now is not REAL LIFE. However that does not mean that there is some greater reality and it certainly does not mean that we are completely helpless to do anything about our current situation.

See, whether or not there is a greater reality, the real question one should ask is: what can be done about THIS REALITY. And this is where a grasp of the concept of equality will assist.

When we say Equality, we do not mean that which is promulgated by the left as some sort of social Utopia, nor that which is demonized by the right as some communistic, computer-controlled hell-hole of conformity.

Equality is in fact the nature of our reality. If you want to think we live in a simulation, then you can think of equality as being the base program. Equality, as it actually exists in our world, implies that you can be nothing more than what you really are or than what is here. You can be less, yes, in the sense that you can abdicate your responsibility for what you are and what is here and thus allow others to direct you and the rest of reality with your (perhaps uninformed) consent, or you can take full and total SELF-responsibility for what you are and for what reality is and thus be an equal co-creator. But much like a well-run sports team, you have a part to play and you can be your very best, but if you try to be the star at the expense of everyone else, then over time you will not have a very effective team. Currently we have lots of stars, lots of terrible players, and everyone else basically on the sidelines. To be the best team, you must learn your place in the team, but also develop your own individual skill to a point as close to perfection as possible, and realize that when the team wins, you win.

So, now we come to the point of 'self-perfection' which is where one do everything within one's power to be the very best version of themselves possible. However, if one is not totally honest with oneself as to what one really is and what the limitations are, in other words, if one allow a point of mental disorder which is trying to be MORE than what one is, then one will have a problem. If you are trying to program a computer, you must understand what the limits of the hardware and the OS are if you are to utilize the computer to its full capacity.

You must realize that there IS a physical world. It is not an illusion, as the Simulation Hypothesis might lead one to believe. But you can verify this fact yourself. Try not eating or not shitting for several days. Eventually the physical reality will "remind" you of its actuality. If one truly believed that the physical world is not real then you could REALLY put that to the test but you won't because you know the veracity of what I'm saying.

Now, reality is physical, but its also PROGRAMMABLE. How can you verify this for yourself? Easy, go plant an apple seed in fertile soil, give it plenty of water, and make sure there is sunshine and in a certain predictable amount of time, you will have an apple tree. A seed is a program. Now, is there even one aspect of our reality that is not like that? I challenge you to find even one. The major problem with this is that we do not want to be honest with ourselves and each other about this simple fact. But remember, if we are not honest about reality then equality will dictate that we will be less than what is here. There is no 'transcending reality' because reality is what is real. In your mind you can do all kinds of imaginative things and pretend like you are some kind of magical being or a hero or a victim or any number of things but you'll find that when you come back to reality none of that will make any difference. You will still have to eat, shit, piss, and have sex. Only someone with a severe mental disorder would try to deny these things. Someone who is truly rational would realize the simplicity of this, and then make sure these points are taken care of for oneself. Someone who is truly enlightened, someone truly 'full of love', would realize that we have not designed our systems, which are the functional aspects of reality that in fact program how reality moves, to make sure that all have these physical points taken care of. Instead we have an educational system, a governmental system, and at the root a money system which is based in the belief that human nature is flawed inherently and thus one must prove themselves to be of value in this world and thus worthy of having their basic needs met. In fact, we can design a system that gives to all equally, that enables each one to become effective with that which we as humans use to function in the system and in relationship to each other which is symbols (words and numbers). If you read our last post you understand somewhat how the elite deliberately mess with children from a young age to prevent them from being effective with language and mathematics (through schooling and advertising/television) so that they never challenge the system as it is. But they don't realize they are screwing themselves over in the process because they are creating human beings which are even less than animals, because even animals do not attack unprovoked. But a human who cannot meet their basic needs becomes very dangerous, which we are all starting to see around the world already.

The only solution is to stop living as a simulation of a human being, which means to live in a fantasy in your mind as being some great and wonderful person with apparent free choice and to realize that YOU HAVE NO CHOICE and live as a REAL PERSON, which means taking responsibility for how you and the world around us is programmed as the systems that we as humans influence through agreements based on language. You live in a physical reality that is programmed. And thus everything you see playing out in the world is just a program unfolding. Adjust the program, the result changes. But be careful not to adjust programs where you don't really know what you are doing because then you end up with entire crop failures (e.g. Monsanto and genetic engineering of seeds).

How can we make a difference then? We can make a difference by realizing the points that require to be adjusted so that the program that unfolds is one that gives to each what they need and provides the fertile soil so that each one can develop into their full potential. The human being, as it is naturally, is an amazingly advanced biological machine. That natural ability is being suppressed just like you would suppress the full blooming of a plant by denying it adequate water, nutrients, and sunlight. The primary systems that can be adjusted at this stage are education, politics, and the money system, because those are completely man-made, and also the ones that determine the overall programming of the human being, especially the child.

But for us to be able to impact the system in those ways to make adjustments in a peaceful manner will require those who are in a position to do so to take responsibility for themselves and see how they have been programmed to act in ways that seem like they contribute to one's survival but in fact ultimately only contribute to the survival of a flawed system. And for that you must be willing to investigate how you have been programmed through language and mathematics to be less than what you are capable of. That is something we will explore more in time. But the first step to self-perfection lies in self-honesty about what one really is and what one has accepted oneself to be.

The way to get out of this Simulation is not by escaping, but by becoming completely one with and equal to it, because one ACTUALLY IS IT! Remember Neo in the Matrix: There is no spoon. Thus for you to bend the spoon, you must realize, you are the spoon. In other words, the system is based on agreements which are designed in language and mathematics, and in order for the system to change you must become equal to words and mathematics and change the system from within as oneself. Step up, change, show others how you have changed, support them to change, and thus the system can be changed. Perhaps this is what Gandhi meant when he adjured us to "be the change we want to see in the world."

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