Friday, January 6, 2017

Test All Things; Keep What is Best

What if we could, together, create a world where this wasn't necessary?
What if we could create a world where everyone had what the needed?

Would there still be problems and challenges? Yes, of course!
We believe that we are so advanced as a species and yet we have never 'evolved' past the fight for survival! We have so much in this world. So much abundance, so much technology, so much knowledge, so much energy! And yet so many go without or are brought up in a way where they believe that they have nothing to contribute and must fight for their survival. We have systems in this world that do not ENSURE everyone's survival.

Does it have to be a choice between total competition for survival versus totalitarian control?

Is it possible for us to create a world where everyone has what they need and yet those who work hard can also be rewarded for their work?

Do we have to choose between capitalism and communism?

Can we not listen to Jesus when he said (in Thessalonians) "But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good" ?

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