Sunday, May 16, 2021

Why Are You Here?

 Have you ever asked yourself, "Why am I here? Why am I alive?"

I would be surprised if you haven't. And yet, I wonder what was the answer you came up with. Was the answer immediate? Did you really ponder on it? Did you experience any anxiety when you think about it? Did you experience any exhilaration or perhaps hesitancy to "go there" within yourself?

In case you haven't or even if you have, I'd like to explore the idea with you a bit. I think the answer is important. I mean, you could just tell yourself, "well, I'm here to just experience myself, nothing else." But that answer wasn't ultimately satisfying to me. You could come up with a ready-baked answer like "I was created by God to love him or others" or something like that. You might have come up with the classic "I'm just here to be happy" or one of its derivatives like "I'm here to pursue my passion" but I wonder how deep you went within questioning your passion. I mean, how can someone be truly passionate about something arbitrary? It would be good to know whether your "passion" is in fact arbitrary or not. 

You might have come up with "there is no meaning to my life or anything." But, really no one lives as if that were true. They still act like they want to be here and continue existing.

Look, I know "philosophers" have explored this idea for a long time. But that is like just a way of YOU not taking responsibility to come up with an answer for yourself. Even what I suggest, you should still consider it for yourself. Decide whether what I suggest is something that you ultimately WANT to accept.

Like, why does someone WANT to accept that they are here to just serve God, for example? What is the starting point within that?

Why does someone WANT to accept that they are just here to be happy or at least TRY to be happy? What is the starting point within THAT?

Many years ago, depending on how you look at it, I was confronted with this question within myself in a very "serious" way. I mean, not just thinking about it for a moment, but like it became the central focus of my life. I had to figure it out. 

I'm the kind of being that doesn't like to just accept someone else's answer. I don't want to just "believe". I want to KNOW for MYSELF.

Now, KNOWING is an interesting thing. Because some might think that means you need to have PROOF. But knowing does not require proof. It requires NO DOUBT. And from what I have seen within myself I can KNOW something because it makes sense to the degree that when I am HONEST within myself and let go of all the points that I WANT something to be a certain way which would influence how I interpret even the "proof" then I can really KNOW something.

I mean we are seeing this issue play out right now in our world where we are being exhorted to trust things like 'experts' and 'science' but at the end of the day, what you trust is based on what you want to trust. You can find two people who KNOW opposite things just as you can find two experts who disagree. So an expert becomes someone who "knows" things that fit one's personal bias. And, clearly, those who are spending the most resources to influence society have some bias. And everyone who is 'listening' to them have a bias.

 And, from what I can gather, the most fundamental bias that one has is based on how one answers the question "Why am I here? What am I alive? Why do I exist?"

 It's actually amazing that we can be born into this world and not already KNOW. It's like we have to 'find out.' But even that is an illusion, because it is simply our deep acceptance of not wanting to take full responsibility for being Here that has "led" us to creating a world, a reality if you want to call it that, where we "don't seem to know why we are here."

 When I was a young child, it was "obvious" there was no "God" because there were so many different beliefs about what "God" was. The fact that it was something where you could have one opinion vs another seemed to me to indicate that there was no reality to the concept. And yet, that doesn't mean that humans weren't "created" or that there isn't an "intelligence" shaping and molding reality as we know it, but all the concepts of God assumed that we as an individual are not responsible "ultimately" for what is Here.

 Even the idea of who is responsible for reality implies a false dichotomy. Like either its ONE being responsible for EVERYONE's reality or its each of us responsible for OUR OWN INDIVIDUAL realities.

Here's what I see. We are each individually responsible for EVERYONE's reality.

This "could" be a scary idea. Because you don't want to believe that you have any responsibility for anyone else and you don't want anyone else to be responsible for you. But just even a moment of self-honesty will show you that it's already the case. If you could create your "own reality" you certainly wouldn't be in the body or experience you are in right now.

And some say "You just have to know the keys to create your own reality". Ok, but those keys sure seem to come from "others" and require the "cooperation" of others.

Like, can you really just imagine something you want "really hard" and it is manifested and doesn't require ANYONE ELSE? Even your body is a collection of individual cells working in concert. To them, you are a dictator. You might say "my body is just an extension of me". Well, stop breathing then and see what happens. You are here at the "pleasure" of your body, not the other way around. We take this for granted because of our starting point of reality is all about ME.

Why is there so much fear when we go down this path of reasoning. Why does there seem to be a sign that says "Beware, any thoughts that you are responsible for others and vice versa will lead to COMMUNISM."

What's funny is that we were told that "capitalism" would eventually lead to "communism" and we wanted to believe that "no, we are special, we can do anything, we can create our own individual realities and everyone has to just fend for themselves." And now it is all the capitalists promoting communism and those with 'jobs' defending capitalism. If I were a better writer I could make this as obvious to you as it is to me, but the problem is that its not really my writing ability, it is your willingness to be HONEST with yourself. 

We are in a world where a child is born and doesn't know anything, per se, and yet has DNA and an environment that will shape them into fitting into a point in our system where a certain level of comfort will just come to them. Like, what does an upper middle class child "do" to "deserve" their parents putting them in a private school instead of a public school?

What does a child do to deserve being emotionally and sexually abused to the point where they will automatically turn to drugs and destructive behaviors and never develop the self-discipline required to participate in the economic system to achieve the success that each one argues is just at everyone's fingertips.

I know some will argue that there is that one in a million who goes from poverty to riches. And yet, why are they RARELY able to replicate it? Because you don't realize how PROGRAMMED our world is. YOU CREATED IT THIS WAY. Just look at your starting point. You said "I am not responsible for others. Others are not responsible for me." So you did not direct this world in a way to actually exist as that. You did not educate yourself and your children to ACTUALLY LIVE that. You just EXPECT it. 

 Why am I here? Every answer, save one, is this: GREED.

 And what is this lesson we are not learning. WE ARE HERE TO GIVE.

And yet we will try to GIVE always in the context of not changing our starting point. You cannot give within the context of greed and create anything but a greedy world.

Capitalism will not save the day any more than communism will. It is not an ISM that will save anything. It is only by us changing our starting that we are here to GIVE.

 How are you living, in the deepest sense, at the level of what you have given to yourself as your PURPOSE in your Life, how are you living from the starting point of GREED?

 Are you here to make a difference or just to take?

 Am I creating friction within you? Are you angry? Perhaps you are self-righteous and thinking "I give all the time."

But how does your "giving" change the system that we live in to reflect that this is a collective reality where each physical form has needs and requirements and that those needs and requirements have every right to be met at every moment just as much as you feel you have a right to 'happiness' or whatever else you believe in?

Will this be your final Life? Or are you going to stand up and do what God would do if there were such a thing. Funny, you don't want to be responsible but you want God to be responsible. You can't see beyond your own nose so you think so little of yourself. Do we, as humans, suffer from low self-esteem? And those who seem to believe in themselves at all, they are not seeing that they are responsible for supporting EVERYONE else to be EQUAL TO THEM. 

Uh oh! Communism! I said "EQUAL". No, what you are afraid of, you are already in the process of manifesting. And YOU will become EQUAL to the least in this world. Look around. Why is it that those who seem the most FUCKED UP seem to have the most influence? It is because they are THE REAL YOU. You are in a process of becoming the least that exists. The only solution is to support the LEAST to be in a position that you wouldn't mind being in. So now you are RESPONSIBLE for everyone else's equality. You say you fear a dictator, but you believe in God. HA! YOU ARE THE DICTATOR. Because you WANT to accept a reality where you have NO REAL RESPONSIBILITY.